Jodi Twum-Barima


JoJo and the Adinkroes was created by Designer, Teacher and Mother of two Jodi Twum-Barima. Her aim is to Engage, Inspire and Empower the next generation of Leaders through books, stationary and lifestyle products. Representing and celebrating culture and heritage for children of colour.

As a child, Barima was constantly surrounded by positive influences and images of her Ghanaian culture within the home. But whilst attending a predominantly white Catholic school, she noticed that African children were often shown as being impoverished and depicted in a negative light.

This caused her to feel ashamed and embarrassed and she would often deny her heritage for fear of being ridiculed by her peers. This lack of positive representation, creates stereotypes and breeds prejudice and is still evident today.

With only 2% of books made in the UK featuring a Black lead character and a lack of representation in kids products available in the mainstream, Barima set out to create a brand that will instill confidence and a sense of pride in her son and children like him.

Allowing them to feel visible, important and powerful. Barima aims to use her background in Design and her knowledge as an Artist/Educator to enable young readers to feel proud of their culture and heritage whilst being immersed in the characters and stories. 

She understands the importance of reading and knows that instilling confidence and self-worth in children at a young age is the key to building secure, successful individuals.